Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Like most people, I have both good and bad habits.  

I exercise every morning and eat too much sugar most evenings.  Daily, I spend four to five hours working either in or on my business but clock more hours than I’m willing to admit watching YouTube videos.  I read voraciously but just as enthusiastically I’ve binge watched my fair share of reality TV. 

Lately, I’ve felt compelled to clean up some of these time-sucking habits to make way for new stuff.  I’ve looked online for some tips for changing habits but my real insight has come from a fascinating book. 

I’ve read, The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg before, but sometimes it takes a reread for me to start the change.  His insight into our habits is sharp, provocative, and useful. 

If you’ve ever wondered why you do what you do habitually, you might want to check out The Power of Habit.                    


Thursday, February 16, 2017


Last weekend Solomon and I stopped at our neighborhood Starbucks before leaving Austin to spend a weekend in Dallas.    

At Starbucks, I ordered a coffee and a bacon and egg English muffin.  And because I have a lingering holiday sugar jones (that probably will require therapy to break,) I ordered one of those little vanilla scones thinly covered with a breakaway sugar glaze. 

Everything was great.  Except for the coffee.

After adding a splash of cream to my cup, I took a sip, expecting that signature Starbucks deep, robust, almost bracing liquid.  Instead, I was greeted with a bitter, flat, lukewarm cup of Joe.  So awful, I considered returning it for a fresh cup, but the length of the line made me reconsider.  Yep, I kept the coffee but with every sip, I wished I’d simply wash my breakfast down with a bottle of water.

We all know Starbucks has expanded into a major emporium filled with food, gifts, and music. But you might think it's a stretch if I said the Starbuck’s growth strategy has made them lose sight of their core coffee business; especially if I’m basing it on one bad cup of coffee. 

But what I would say is Starbucks is vastly different from just five years ago and possibly that difference has shifted their focus from producing a genuinely great cup of coffee to growing a brand.     
What I know for sure is my recent Starbucks experience is just a reminder that regardless of our growth it's dangerous to lose sight of our core business. 

Because many of your loyal customers are just like me.  We’re still coming for the coffee.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Most of us have made the decision to lose a couple of pounds.  Especially at the beginning of a new year, we could benefit from dropping a few.    

And so we diet.  And then a friend calls for a happy hour filled with fun, fried foods and a few drinks and that notion of restricting our diet takes a backseat to the moment. 

No big deal, we say, “I’ll start again tomorrow.”  “Or on second thought, we’re at the weekend; I’ll start fresh on Monday morning.” 

What is this whole notion of “starting over?”

Of course, dieting is just the example I’m using here.  It could be exercise.  Could be consistently sharing content online or making daily entries in QuickBooks.  Could be reading to your kids.  Sales calls.  Could be anything.  We’re constantly, “starting over.”

In my experience, this “starting over” talk usually ends with another "starting over."  

The moment you notice you’re off your game, there’s really no need to dramatically, “start over.” 

Instead of stopping to start again, try this. 

As soon as you’re aware of your actions, make an adjustment.  Give yourself the opportunity in the moment to change your mind which changes your behavior. 

The power is to simply make an adjustment.