Like most people, I have both good and bad habits.
I exercise every morning and eat too much sugar most evenings. Daily, I spend four to five hours working either in or on my business but clock more hours than I’m willing to admit watching YouTube videos. I read voraciously but just as enthusiastically I’ve binge watched my fair share of reality TV.
Lately, I’ve felt compelled to clean up some of these time-sucking habits to make way for new stuff. I’ve looked online for some tips for changing habits but my real insight has come from a fascinating book.
I’ve read, The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg before, but sometimes it takes a reread for me to start the change. His insight into our habits is sharp, provocative, and useful.
If you’ve ever wondered why you do what you do habitually, you might want to check out The Power of Habit.